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Ask Governor Jay Inslee

[asset-images[{"caption": "Governor Jay Inslee.", "fid": "3104", "style": "card_280", "uri": "public://201304/inslee.jpg", "attribution": "Credit Courtesy/Washington Secretary of State"}]]It's getting down to the wire at the state capitol in Olympia, where lawmakers are working to pass a budget in the final weeks of the 105-day state Legislative session. Legislators are bargaining over how to best meet a state Supreme Court ruling to amply fund public education to the tune of $1 billion. There's also talk of toughening DUI laws, and a dispute over funding for the Columbia River Crossing in Southwest Washington. We'll ask Governor Jay Inslee about the latest news. Have a question for the governor? Call us at 206.543.5869 or send an email to

Also this hour: we talk with runner Bill Iffrig of Lake Stevens. He was just yards from crossing the finish line at yesterday's Boston Marathon when the first explosion sent him to the ground. Plus, Michael Fagin joins us with this week's recommended hike.