Roe v. Wade became the law of the land 40 years ago, but the battle over abortion rights continues today. The past two years saw new restrictions on access to abortion in many states. A recent Pew poll found steady public support for the Roe v. Wade decision, but there's also some confusion — more than half of those under 30 did not know what issue the case dealt with. Sarah Weddington argued Roe v. Wade before the US Supreme Court in 1971 and 1972. She joins us with an assessment of the present and future of women's reproductive rights.
Also this hour: award-winning author and journalist Amy Wilentz joins us to talk about her latest book, "Farewell, Fred Voodoo: A Letter From Haiti," about the country's daily struggles to rebuild after the 2010 earthquake. Plus, Bremerton's Westsound Bank was taken over by the FDIC in 2009 with a loss of $100 million. But details are just now emerging of how the community bank was looted and how the regulators missed opportunities to stop the banks misdeeds much earlier. We talk with appraiser and fraud profiler Richard Hagar about the failure of Westsound.