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Top Sites To Watch Tonight As Election Results Roll In

election party napkins
Flickr Photo/LaMenta3 (CC BY-NC-ND)

Hanson Hosein, director of the digital media program at the University of Washington, recommends top websites  to watch for election results and commentary on election night.

Hanson's Top 10 Resources For Election Night:

  1. GigaOM: a list of mainstream media outlets streaming live elections coverage
  2. zeebox: a mobile app for iOS, integrates video and social media
  3. NBC News Digital's web app for breaking news from hundreds of news sources
  4. FiveThirtyEight: elections forecasts by New York Times
  5. The Fix: elections forecasts by Washington Post
  6. UW Election Eye: regional coverage by UW students in partnership with the Seattle Times
  7. Twitter’s Political Engagement Map: Romney and Obama tweets, organized by geographic engagement
  8. Twitter’s Political Index: indexes sentiment expressed online towards the candidates
  9. Facebook
  10. Instagram: mobile photo-sharing app, follow photographs tagged #election

Hanson writes more on the role of the "second screen" on his blog, Storyteller Uprising.