Join Marcie Sillman for the sixth Front Row Center of our 2017-2018 season at Seattle Symphony's "John Luther Adams: Become Desert" on Saturday, March 31, at 8 p.m.
After the performance, Sillman will sit down with the symphony's music director, Ludovic Morlot, and the evening's featured composer, John Luther Adams. Adams, creator of "Become Ocean," is back with the sequel to his Pulitzer Prize-winning work that took the classical music scene by storm.
The legacy lives on in the world premiere of "Become Desert."
Also on the program is Jeremy Denk, one of America’s foremost pianists, performing Beethoven’s monumental “Emperor Concerto," a work that represents a visionary composer with the insight and inspiration to understand his world and shape its future.
March 31, 2018, 8 p.m.
Benaroya Hall
200 University Street
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