In light of Steve Scher’s resignation last week, we decided to put our Friday morning news roundtable on hiatus (Here and Now will air 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. on Fridays until further notice). We are very sorry for any disappointment this causes listeners and regular guests that helped make the show so strong.
Please know that a hiatus is not tantamount to a cancellation.
We want to take the opportunity to carefully think through this change. It is out of respect for the show’s creators, our staff’s current workloads and our appreciation for listeners’ love of the program that we have not rushed to form a replacement.
We appreciate your patience while our staff regroups and plans the next steps. In the meantime, we would love to hear your ideas and feedback regarding the future of Week In Review. Please submit your comments using the form below, or email us directly at
Jeff Hansen
Program Director at KUOW