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00000181-fa79-da89-a38d-fb7f2a370000We want to understand what the housing environment looks like in Seattle. Are Seattleites living beyond their means? Are they finding affordable housing? Or are they getting creative in order to make housing more affordable?Tweet your feedback and questions at us with #GameOfHomes

Survey: Can You Find Affordable Housing In Seattle?

Flickr Photo/Wonderlane (CC BY 2.0)

 According to HUD, affordable housing means spending 30 percent or less of household income on housing. But an estimated 12 million households in the U.S. pay more than 50 percent of their annual incomes.

We want to understand what that looks like in Seattle. Are Seattleites living beyond their means? Are they finding affordable housing? Or are they getting creative in order to make housing more affordable?

Please fill out the survey below. We will share results next week when our series "Game Of Homes" airs on KUOW 94.9 FM. Tweet your feedback and questions at us with #GameOfHomes