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Sherrell Dorsey. Seattle is the 11th largest city in the US; and the fifth whitest. As part of the Program Venture Fund, Tonya Mosley examines a key question that is a part of her life and community: What is it like to be black in Seattle?From experiencing the public school’s busing program in the 1970s to struggling with single life in the city – Mosley captures stories that point to the history and future of understanding racial identity in our Northwest metro area, its rewards and its challenges.Follow the hashtag #blackinseattle on Twitter and add your questions and insights. Don't have a Twitter account? Eavesdrop on the chat in real-time. Tweets about "#blackinseattle" Funding for Black In Seattle was provided by the KUOW Program Venture Fund. Contributors include Paul and Laurie Ahern, the KUOW Board of Directors and Listener Subscribers.

Response To "Black In Seattle: Dating Woes"

KUOW Photo/Tonya Mosley

Tonya Mosley's Black in Seattle series concluded Thursday with a look at the challenges black women have in finding partners, called he "marriage freeze."

Listeners and readers added their own insight on the series and their experiences finding love in Seattle.

Follow the hashtag #blackinseattle on Twitter and add your questions and insights.

A Selection Of Tweets Responding To #blackinseattle